I was recently asked in regards to Enhanced Web Filtering...
Is there any way to remove the "CATEGORY: Enhanced_Social_Networking_
And by the way to the person who posted that, your email shows up to me as noreply-comment@blogger.com. So doesn't show on the blog as a comment and I cant reply. Google "noreply-comment@blogger.com". You will find out how to fix.
Anyway the answer is yes! There is a way to solve the issue.
We will test 3 scenarios while trying to access Playboy.
profile wf-e-profile {
category {
Enhanced_Adult_Content {
action block;
Scenario 1) You have no custom-block-message or block-message
category {
Enhanced_Adult_Content {
action block;
Scenario 1) You have no custom-block-message or block-message
You get this when your message is blocked.
Message still there so no good.
Scenario 2) You have a custom-block-message
set security utm feature-profile web-filtering juniper-enhanced profile wf-e-profile custom-block-message "BLOCKED BY ENHANCED!"
set security utm feature-profile web-filtering juniper-enhanced profile wf-e-profile custom-block-message "BLOCKED BY ENHANCED!"
You get this when your message is blocked.
Message still there so no good.
Scenario 3) You have a block-message using a redirect URL.
set security utm feature-profile web-filtering juniper-enhanced profile wf-e-profile block-message type custom-redirect-url
set security utm feature-profile web-filtering juniper-enhanced profile wf-e-profile block-message url https://sites.google.com/site/sorryurblocked/
Note: If you dont use both lines you get the scenario 1 result.
You get this when your message is blocked.
So there is a way to remove the message - build your own redirect page!
I whipped up the one above in all of 5 minutes on Google Sites.
Yeah its crap but it does the job and proves the test.
I'll leave it up in case anyone wants to test with it.
One final point to note is that if you have the custom-block-message and block-message active in the config it will use the block-message
Hope that answer the question.
Model: srx100h
JUNOS Software Release [12.1R5.5]
This is excellent. I have been searching for a way to use different web-filtering policies for user groups, without having every user need to authenticate. Now I can by using this to create my own redirect for users (not logged in) who hit a restricted or filtered resource. Creating a customer redirect page, I can then prompt the user to enter authentication credentials via UAC all within my custom redirect. Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Stephen, glad you found it useful!