SRX UTM: Enhanced Web Filtering - Redirect

Hi Folks,

I was recently asked in regards to Enhanced Web Filtering...

Is there any way to remove the "CATEGORY: Enhanced_Social_Networking_and_Personal_Sites REASON:BY_PRE_DEFINED" message?

And by the way to the person who posted that, your email shows up to me as So doesn't show on the blog as a comment and I cant reply. Google "". You will find out how to fix. 
Anyway the answer is yes! There is a way to solve the issue.
We will test 3 scenarios while trying to access Playboy.


Today we will look at running an Application Firewall (AppFW) on the SRX. 

This is different to the normal firewalling in that we are not filtering based on TCP/UDP ports but instead filtering on application signatures that can detect applications whether or not they are not running on the standard ports expected.Further even when we are running on the standard ports, through the signatures we can detect and block access to specific services without you having to worry about blocking all access to a certain IP on a certain port. Eg. We could block access to Facebook Farmville without having to know the either the IP of Facebook or having to block all of Facebook. I will try and show some examples of this functionality.