This post will show you how to get IDP on an SRX100H going and tested to be working.
I will be using a Trial licence which is valid for 30days.


a) First make sure you can ping a URL from your SRX as the download process will use name lookups.

blogger@LEFTY> ping inet
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=54 time=33.373 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=30.299 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=29.531 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 29.531/31.068/33.373/1.660 ms

If that doesn’t work, setup name servers in the config.

a) Download the trial license.
a. Login to this site with your Juniper ID..
b. Select your version of Junos, enter your serial number and click “Get Available Trials”
c. Select IDP Signature Services and click the "Generate" button to get your license key

b) Install the license
First lets look at what licenses we have for comparison purposes.

blogger@LEFTY> show system license
License usage:
                                 Licenses     Licenses    Licenses    Expiry
  Feature name                       used    installed      needed
  dynamic-vpn                           0            2           0    permanent
  ax411-wlan-ap                         0            2           0    permanent
  mem-upg                               0            1           0    permanent

Now install the new license..

blogger@LEFTY> request system license add terminal
[Type ^D at a new line to end input,
 enter blank line between each license key]
JUNOS124406 aeaqea qmifkt eobrgf auhmbu gm3aqb qcdw6n
            hphea4 ug22dm 4iubxn 3geelp 4mdjqw nmuggo
            lqub5s f4po3b vvgxjy en7z3a rzdrkc ykxrh6
JUNOS124406: successfully added
add license complete (no errors)

blogger@LEFTY> show system license
License usage:
                                 Licenses     Licenses    Licenses    Expiry
  Feature name                       used    installed      needed
  idp-sig                               0            1           0    2012-09-18 10:00:00 EST
  dynamic-vpn                           0            2           0    permanent
  ax411-wlan-ap                         0            2           0    permanent
  mem-upg                               0            1           0    permanent

Licenses installed:
  License identifier: JUNOS124406
  License version: 2
  Valid for device: AU2811AF0555
    idp-sig          - IDP Signature
      date-based, 2012-08-19 10:00:00 EST - 2012-09-18 10:00:00 EST


a) First confirm you can reach the download server. Shouldn’t be a problem if you can ping the Juniper website as per above.

blogger@LEFTY> request security idp security-package download check-server   
Successfully retrieved from(
Version info:2176(Detector=12.6.160120404, Templates=2176)

b) Download the database

 blogger@LEFTY> request security idp security-package download                     
Will be processed in async mode. Check the status using the status checking CLI

blogger@LEFTY> request security idp security-package download status
In progress:SignatureUpdate_tmp.xml.gz                          100 % 1574759 Bytes/ 1574759 Bytes

blogger@LEFTY> request security idp security-package download status   
In progress:applications.xsd                            100 % 11566 Bytes/ 11566 Bytes

blogger@LEFTY> request security idp security-package download status   
Done;Successfully downloaded from(
Version info:2176(Wed Aug 22 11:11:04 2012, Detector=12.6.160120404)

c) Install the database

blogger@LEFTY> request security idp security-package install status
In progress:Installing AI ...

blogger@LEFTY> request security idp security-package install status   
In progress:performing DB update for an xml (SignatureUpdate.xml)
blogger@LEFTY> request security idp security-package install status   
Done;Attack DB update : successful - [UpdateNumber=2176,ExportDate=Wed Aug 22 11:11:04 2012,Detector=12.6.160120404]
     Updating control-plane with new detector : successful
     Updating data-plane with new attack or detector : not performed
      due to no active policy configured.

Strictly speaking this step is not necessary – you could build your own policies from scratch. However it is a quick and recommended way to get going especially while you are learning.

a) Download the templates

blogger@LEFTY> request security idp security-package download policy-templates   
Will be processed in async mode. Check the status using the status checking CLI

blogger@LEFTY> request security idp security-package download status             
Done;Successfully downloaded from(
Version info:2176

b) Install the templates

blogger@LEFTY> request security idp security-package install policy-templates   
Will be processed in async mode. Check the status using the status checking CLI

blogger@LEFTY> request security idp security-package install status            
Done;policy-templates has been successfully updated into internal repository

Note that the installation of the templates created a Junos commit script – templates.xsl
It is that script that will actually put the policy templates into the config.

c) Install the script

blogger@LEFTY# set system scripts commit file templates.xsl

blogger@LEFTY# commit
commit complete

Be patient- that commit takes some time.
Now go and have a look at your config – a little bit bigger eh!


The downloading of the templates has given us a few pre-packaged IDP rulebases to choose from. We must choose to activate one (Or make your own and activate that) and note that only one IDP rulebase can be active at one time.
Lets see a list of the policy templates we can choose from…

blogger@LEFTY> show security idp policy-templates-list

We will go with the “Recommended” on to start with. You can simply delete the ones you don’t want to use.
Even if you go with Recommended or any of the ones from the downloaded policy templates, you can edit or delete any of the rules in those policies or add your own new rules to them as well.

a)  Activate the Recommended policy

blogger@LEFTY# set security idp active-policy Recommended

blogger@LEFTY# commit
commit complete

b) Delete the commit script

blogger@LEFTY# delete system scripts

blogger@LEFTY# commit
commit complete

c) Confirm the active IDP rulebase is “Recommended”

blogger@LEFTY> show security idp status
State of IDP: Default,  Up since: 2012-08-24 10:27:13 EST (01:32:35 ago)

Packets/second: 0               Peak: 0 @ 2012-08-24 11:42:22 EST
KBits/second  : 0               Peak: 0 @ 2012-08-24 11:42:22 EST
Latency (microseconds): [min: 0] [max: 0] [avg: 0]

Packet Statistics:
 [ICMP: 0] [TCP: 0] [UDP: 0] [Other: 0]

Flow Statistics:
  ICMP: [Current: 0] [Max: 0 @ 2012-08-24 11:42:22 EST]
  TCP: [Current: 0] [Max: 0 @ 2012-08-24 11:42:22 EST]
  UDP: [Current: 0] [Max: 0 @ 2012-08-24 11:42:22 EST]
  Other: [Current: 0] [Max: 0 @ 2012-08-24 11:42:22 EST]

Session Statistics:
 [ICMP: 0] [TCP: 0] [UDP: 0] [Other: 0]
  Policy Name : Recommended
  Running Detector Version : 12.6.160120404

blogger@LEFTY> show security idp policies
ID    Name                   Sessions    Memory      Detector      
 0     Recommended            0           4790846     12.6.160120404


The IPD and security rulebases are separate. In order to get IDP actually functioning you set IDP inspection on the security rules you want. And it is the active IDP rulebase previously set above that will operate on the security rule.

Here is the default out-of-the-box rule with IDP applied on it.

blogger@LEFTY> show configuration security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust
policy trust-to-untrust {
    match {
        source-address any;
        destination-address any;
        application any;
    then {
        permit {
            application-services {


Well now that we have that all installed we need to test it works.
What I want to achieve with this testing is to throw some attacks against a host and see the IDP recognize and take action against them. 

My setup for this is simple –
Target  - a Windows XP PC as a target on the untrust interface ( running Abyss web server and Xlight FTP server to give Backtrack something juicy to go for!
Attacker – Backtrack 5 using the Armitage app (Which uses the Metasploit framework) on the trust interface (

This isn’t a Backtrack/Armitage tutorial – there is plenty of info out there for that but here is the very basic steps taken to launch the attack remembering my purpose here is not to hack the target by rather to only test to IDP is doing its thing.
a)   Start Armitage
b)    Do a quick NMAP scan of the target host so Armitage recognizes it as a target.
c)     Launch the Hail Mary attack! (See this page for info about Armitage and Hail Mary…

The below table shows the SRX did intercept and recognize these  attacks. I.e it works! 

blogger@LEFTY> show security idp attack table             
IDP attack statistics:

  Attack name                                  #Hits
  HTTP:PHP:CMD-INJ                             11       
  FTP:MS-FTP:IIS-BOF                           2        
  FTP:OVERFLOW:PATH-TOO-LONG                   2        
  FTP:DOS:SOLARFTP-USER-CMD                    1        
  FTP:OVERFLOW:MUL-FTP-MKDOF                   1        
  FTP:OVERFLOW:USERNAME-2-LONG                 1        
  HTTP:EXPLOIT:ILLEGAL-HOST-CHAR               1        
  HTTP:IIS:COMMAND-EXEC-ALL                    1        
  HTTP:OVERFLOW:OVWEBHELP-BO                   1        
  HTTP:OVERFLOW:WEBDAV-JAVASYSTEM              1        
  HTTP:REAL-DESCBO                             1       

blogger@LEFTY> show security idp application-statistics   
IDP applications:
  application type                                                 packet count
 ECHO                                                                    0
 DISCARD                                                                 0
 CHARGEN                                                                 0
 FTP                                                                     209
 SSH                                                                     0
 TELNET                                                                  0
 SMTP                                                                    0
 DNS                                                                     0
 GOPHER                                                                  0
 FINGER                                                                  0
 HTTP                                                                    4033
 POP3                                                                    0
 PORTMAPPER                                                              0

With the Recommended template that action is always recommended as well so how can we know what it really did for a specific attack. Lets get some more info about the first attack on the list.

blogger@LEFTY> show security idp attack description HTTP:PHP:CMD-INJ
Description: This signature detects Web downloads containing a potentially dangerous PHP script. A malicious site can exploit a known vulnerability in multiple
             PHP applications and execute arbitrary PHP commands on the victim's server.

That’s cool to get that info from the cli about the nature of the attack.

blogger@LEFTY> show security idp attack detail HTTP:PHP:CMD-INJ       
Display Name: HTTP: PHP Command Injection
Severity: Major
Category: HTTP
Recommended: true
Recommended Action: Drop
Type: chain
False Positives: frequently
Service: HTTP

So the action was drop.


Each IPS ruleset can have an associated exempt rulebase. That is a rulebase for traffic you do not want the IDP engine to take action on. Lets test that by creating an exempt rule that wont take any action on FTP traffic.

Here is the exempt rule…

blogger@LEFTY> show configuration security idp idp-policy Recommended rulebase-exempt
rule exempt_ftp {
    match {
        from-zone trust;
        source-address any;
        to-zone untrust;
        destination-address any;
        attacks {
            predefined-attack-groups "FTP - All";

Now we will clear the attack table and application statistics and run the attacks again.

blogger@LEFTY> clear security idp attack table

blogger@LEFTY> clear security idp application-statistics

Here is the results…

blogger@LEFTY> show security idp attack table                                            
IDP attack statistics:

  Attack name                                  #Hits
  HTTP:PHP:CMD-INJ                             11        
  HTTP:EXPLOIT:ILLEGAL-HOST-CHAR               1         
  HTTP:IIS:COMMAND-EXEC-ALL                    1          
  HTTP:OVERFLOW:OVWEBHELP-BO                   1         
  HTTP:OVERFLOW:WEBDAV-JAVASYSTEM              1         
  HTTP:REAL-DESCBO                             1         
  HTTP:SQL:INJ:CHAR-ENCODE                     1         

Note that FTP doesn’t show up now with the exempt rulebase in action

blogger@LEFTY> show security idp application-statistics                                 
IDP applications:

  application type                                                 packet count
 ECHO                                                                    0
 DISCARD                                                                 0
 CHARGEN                                                                 0
 FTP                                                                     215
 SSH                                                                     0
 TELNET                                                                  0
 SMTP                                                                    0
 DNS                                                                     0
 GOPHER                                                                  0
 FINGER                                                                  0
 HTTP                                                                    2713
 POP3                                                                    0
 PORTMAPPER                                                              0

Even though its not taking action againt the FTP attacks the IDP engine is still seeing and considering the FTP traffic as it can still be seen in the application statistics. 


Lets try and find a list of possible Syslog messages relating to IDP…
blogger@LEFTY> help syslog | match IDP
CHASSISD_CB_READ                 chassisd could not read midplane EEPROM
IDP_APPDDOS_APP_ATTACK_EVENT     IDP: DDOS attack on application
IDP_APPDDOS_APP_STATE_EVENT      IDP: DDOS application state transition event
IDP_APPDDOS_APP_STATE_EVENT_LS   IDP: DDOS application state transition event
IDP_ATTACK_LOG_EVENT             IDP attack log
IDP_ATTACK_LOG_EVENT_LS          IDP attack log
IDP_COMMIT_COMPLETED             IDP policy commit completed
IDP_COMMIT_FAILED                IDP commit exited with failure
IDP_DAEMON_INIT_FAILED           Failed to initialize IDP daemon
IDP_IGNORED_IPV6_ADDRESSES       IDP ingnores IPv6 addresses
IDP_INTERNAL_ERROR               IDP daemon encountered an internal error.
IDP_POLICY_COMPILATION_FAILED    IDP policy compilation failed
IDP_POLICY_LOAD_FAILED           Failed to load an IDP policy
IDP_POLICY_LOAD_SUCCEEDED        IDP policy loaded successfully
IDP_POLICY_UNLOAD_FAILED         Failed to unload an IDP policy
IDP_POLICY_UNLOAD_SUCCEEDED      IDP policy unloaded successfully
IDP_SCHEDULEDUPDATE_START_FAILED Failed to start scheduled update
IDP_SCHEDULED_UPDATE_STARTED     Scheduled update has started
IDP_SECURITY_INSTALL_RESULT      IDP security package install result
IDP_SESSION_LOG_EVENT            IDP session event log
IDP_SESSION_LOG_EVENT_LS         IDP session event log
IDP_SIGNATURE_LICENSE_EXPIRED    IDP signature update license key has expired

From the descriptions looks like we will want to log to match the string “IDP_ATTACK_LOG_EVENT”

I want to send the IDP attack logs to a remote syslog (Splunk  in this case – free for 500MB of logging data a day!)

Here is the config under system/syslog for that…

host {
    any any;

And here is the result in from the Splunk search screen

Note the action on the second entry equals none. Thereby showing that not all the Recommended policy actions will be dropped.
Finally note that in order for those log messages to show up the syslog (Or local log if you did it that way) each IDP rule that you want to log must have the notification log-attacks set.

blogger@LEFTY> show configuration security idp idp-policy Recommended rulebase-ips rule 1
/* This rule is designed to protect your networks against important TCP/IP attacks. */
match {
    from-zone any;
    source-address any;
    to-zone any;
    destination-address any;
    application default;
    attacks {
        predefined-attack-groups [ "[Recommended]IP - Critical" "[Recommended]IP - Minor" "[Recommended]IP - Major" "[Recommended]TCP - Critical" "[Recommended]TCP - Minor" "[Recommended]TCP - Major" ];
then {
    action {
    notification {


The SRX can, like any other similar device, automatically update it’s IDP signatures. Lets set that up and test it.

a) Specify the URL to use.

blogger@LEFTY# set security idp security-package url

blogger@LEFTY# commit
commit complete

b) Create a schedule for the automatic downloads.

blogger@LEFTY# set security idp security-package automatic interval ?
Possible completions:
  <interval>           Interval (24..336 hours)
blogger@LEFTY# set security idp security-package automatic interval 24 ?
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>            Execute this command
+ apply-groups         Groups from which to inherit configuration data
+ apply-groups-except  Don't inherit configuration data from these groups
  enable               Enable
  start-time           Start time (YYYY-MM-DD.HH:MM:SS)
  |                    Pipe through a command
blogger@LEFTY# set security idp security-package automatic interval 24 start-time 2012-08-24.15:45:00

blogger@LEFTY# set security idp security-package automatic enable

blogger@LEFTY# commit
commit complete

Lets also create a specific file to log these updates.
Here is the config under system/syslog for that…

            any any;
            match IDP_SCHEDULE;
            archive size 500k files 3 world-readable;

I’ve set the auto update to happen in a few minutes after all the above was done.

After the allotted time we check the log file to see what happened with the auto update.

blogger@LEFTY> show log IDP_OPERATIONS
Aug 24 15:45:55  LEFTY idpd[1653]: IDP_SCHEDULEDUPDATE_START_FAILED: Failed to start scheduled update(error:Done;No newer version available or other error. For detail, see (/var/tmp//sec-download/SignatureUpdate_tmp.xml) !)

Lets check that file…

blogger@LEFTY> file show /var/tmp//sec-download/SignatureUpdate_tmp.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error code="206">
<Display>The from value passed is the same as the to value passed</Display>

So we have the latest  version. That’s why it didn’t download.

Our version ..

blogger@LEFTY> show security idp security-package-version         
  Attack database version:2176(Wed Aug 22 11:11:04 2012)
  Detector version :12.6.160120404
  Policy template version :2176

Latest online version..

blogger@LEFTY> request security idp security-package download check-server
Successfully retrieved from(
Version info:2176(Detector=12.6.160120404, Templates=2176)

Yep..the same


That concludes this introduction to IDP on the SRX.
This has just touched the surface and there is a lot more you can do and configure on this topics such as creating your own signatures and using IP ACTIONs.

Model: srx100h
JUNOS Software Release [12.1R3.5]


  1. Thanks for doing that and showing it all working too. Useful.

  2. Hi Buddy
    Can you help me? Recently I have configured a SRX240H. Everything functioning properly. But I fall in problem during ips configuration. I have created a custom idp policy named "IDP". After creating rules I declared that as a active policy. But it is not working. Shown loading failed in log. I attach some few lines of log. Please help me. I also found that in /var/db/scripts/commits directory 'IDP" does not shown.
    As second solution. I have download template. And then try to add some extra rule under the policy "Recommended" of template-list. And also fail.



    Dec 8 13:19:00 Warning: active policy configured but no application package installed, attack may not be detected!
    Dec 8 13:19:00 idpd_need_policy_compile:482 Active policy path /var/db/idpd/sets/IDP.set
    Dec 8 13:19:04 Active Policy (IDP) rule base configuration is changed so need to recompile active policy
    Dec 8 13:19:05 Compiling policy IDP....
    Dec 8 13:19:05 Apply policy configuration, policy ops bitmask = 41
    Dec 8 13:19:08 Starting policy(IDP) compile with compress; dfa compile flags(0x000000f1)...
    Dec 8 13:21:21 [attack_snmp_first] No data in local table.

    Dec 8 13:26:21 [attack_snmp_first] No data in local table.

    Dec 8 13:29:00 policy compilation memory estimate: 34636972
    Dec 8 13:29:49 ...Passed
    Dec 8 13:29:49 Starting policy package...
    Dec 8 13:30:21 ...Policy Packaging Passed
    Dec 8 13:30:30 Starting policy load...
    Dec 8 13:30:30 Loading policy(/var/db/idpd/bins/IDP.bin.gz.v + /var/db/idpd/sec-repository/installed-detector/ + /var/db/idpd/bins/compressed_ai.bin)...
    Dec 8 13:30:30 idpd_dev_add_ipc_connection called...
    Dec 8 13:30:30 idpd_dev_add_ipc_connection: done.
    Dec 8 13:31:22 [attack_snmp_first] No data in local table.

    Dec 8 13:31:36 idpd_policy_load: creating temp tar directory '/var/db/idpd//bins/2c0248f3'
    Dec 8 13:31:37 sc_policy_unpack_tgz: running addver cmd '/usr/bin/addver -r /var/db/idpd/sec-repository/installed-detector/ /var/db/idpd//bins/2c0248f3/__temp.tgz > /var/log/idpd.addver'
    Dec 8 13:31:41 sc_policy_unpack_tgz: running tar cmd '/usr/bin/tar -C /var/db/idpd//bins/2c0248f3 -xzf /var/db/idpd//bins/2c0248f3/__temp.tgz'
    Dec 8 13:31:44 idpd_policy_load: running cp cmd 'cp /var/db/idpd//bins/2c0248f3/ /var/db/idpd//bins/'
    Dec 8 13:31:48 idpd_policy_load: running chmod cmd 'chmod 755 /var/db/idpd//bins/'
    Dec 8 13:31:48 idpd_policy_load: running rm cmd 'rm -fr /var/db/idpd//bins/2c0248f3'
    Dec 8 13:31:49 idpd_policy_load: detector version: 12.6.160120907
    Dec 8 13:31:49 idpd_comm_server_get_event:545: evGetNext got event.
    Dec 8 13:31:49 idpd_comm_server_get_event:553: evDispatch OK
    Dec 8 13:31:49 idp_policy_loader_command: sc_klibs_subs_policy_pre_compile() returned -1000 (FAILED)

    Dec 8 13:31:49 idpd_policy_load: idp policy parser pre compile failed after (0) retries
    Dec 8 13:32:06 IDP policy loading failed policy :[/var/db/idpd/bins/IDP.bin.gz.v];detector:/var/db/idpd/sec-repository/installed-detector/;reason:[idp policy parser pre compile failed]
    Dec 8 13:32:06 idpd_dev_add_ipc_connection called...
    Dec 8 13:32:06 idpd_dev_add_ipc_connection: done.
    Dec 8 13:32:06 idpd_comm_server_get_event:545: evGetNext got event.
    Dec 8 13:32:06 idpd_comm_server_get_event:553: evDispatch OK
    Dec 8 13:32:06 Previously loaded policy (Recommended) exists, skipping last good policy load
    Dec 8 13:32:06 ...Failed
    Dec 8 13:32:06 idpd_policy_apply_config:2836:(idpd_policy_config_apply(pname, NULL, op)):
    Dec 8 13:32:06
    ...idpd commit end
    Dec 8 13:32:06 Returning from commit mode, status = 0.
    Dec 8 13:32:06 [get_secupdate_cb_status] state = 0x1
    Dec 8 13:32:06 Got signal SIGCHLD....


  3. Hi Mustafiz,

    Did you try to use an unaltered policy template just to see if that can work?

    What do you get if you show..
    show security idp security-package-version
    show security idp status

    Can you show the IDP config?

  4. why there is a need for deleting the system scripts?
    Would you explain please?

  5. All guides provided by Juniper always seem to include that step. Juniper explain it thus...
    "By deleting the commit script file, you avoid the risk of overwriting modifications to the template when you commit the configuration"

  6. are ther SYSLOGs generated when a Exempt Rule matched with traffic ?
